Dame Hygiene

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Adapt and Adjust

Since the 2020 pandemic, these past four years have seen many changes to our workplace environment, some irreversible in both our personal and professional lives.

With the advent of “working from home” (WFH) and a reduced working week, it is now more important and incumbent for employers to ensure your employees and customers feel safe whilst at work or visiting your premises, for whatever length of time.

 We are in regular contact with our customers to ascertain their access times and days of opening, whether that be early morning or evening.

 Flexibility is de rigueur from both parties, we as a hygiene provider and the customer. Adapt and adjust is our new motto since 2020, we promote sense and sensibility whilst we all adapt and adjust to a new way of working. Maintaining throughout our punctuality and regular site visits to carry out our essential hygiene services.