Dame Hygiene

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Why Proper Handwashing Is So Important

Since childhood, we have been taught to wash and dry our hands very carefully before dinner. In fact, our mums wouldn’t let us near the table is she had thought that we hadn’t scrubbed them enough. While that might have seemed a bit overzealous as a child, the truth is, our mum’s were right. We just didn’t realise it until we became adults and had more exposure to the many infectious diseases that lurk everywhere we go.

There are a wide range of infectious diseases on the surfaces that we touch each and every day. From gastrointestinal infections, including Salmonella, to respiratory infections such as influenza, bacteria and viruses are everywhere and they can make us incredibly ill, even to the point of causing death. How can you avoid coming into contact with an infectious disease? Simple, wash your hands properly and frequently to prevent the spread of the germs that cause these diseases.

When Should You Wash Your Hands?

There are many instances throughout the day when you should wash your hands. A good rule of thumb is to wash your hands thoroughly any time you:

  • Use The Restroom

  • Before, During And After Preparing Food

  • Before Eating

  • After Using A Tissue

  • Before And After Attending To A Sick Loved One

  • After Handling Rubbish

  • After Handling Animals

Proper Hand Washing Techniques

Now that you know why you should wash your hands and when, you should also know how to wash them properly. Proper hand washing ensures that you, and those around you, stay healthier and avoid germs. To wash your hands properly, you should:

  • Get your hands wet using clean water. Use running water if possible as water that is sedentary could easily become contaminated from use.

  • Apply soap and scrub for at least 20 seconds. Liquid soap is better than bar soap.

  • Rub your hands together to ensure the lather covers every surface of your hands and wrists. Don’t forget to scrub beneath your fingernails.

  • Rinse your hands well until all traces of the soap are gone.

  • Dry your hands using clean paper towels, a single-use cloth towel or an air dryer.

Remember, to avoid spreading harmful bacteria and viruses, wash your hands thoroughly and properly throughout the day, even at work.

Contact Dame Hygiene

To learn about more about proper handwashing techniques and how we can save your business time and money and ensure that your washrooms are always stocked and ready for use, contact Dame Hygiene today!

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