10 Of The World’s Most Unique Washrooms

As washrooms go, most of them are all the same. Usually a combination of stark white porcelain and stainless or brushed steel to give them a clean and sanitary appearance. Typically, when you find a well-stocked washroom that is clean and aesthetically pleasing, that is really all you need.

But there are some washrooms that really stand out. Whether they are in a local restaurant or café, or in a corporate setting where luxury is a requirement, there are some incredibly unique washrooms in the world. Being the leader in washroom hygiene services, Dame Hygiene takes a particular interest in washrooms and we have found 10 of the world’s most unique washrooms and we would like to share them with you today. Let’s take a look:

Safe House - located in Milwaukee, WI, USA, Safe House is a spy-themed restaurant which includes hidden rooms, passwords and an incredibly unique washroom. To enter, you need to navigate a series of mazes and avoid a trick door which turns you around the wrong way.

World’s Largest Restroom - Chongqing, China’s World’s Largest Restroom features 1000 toilets in 32,290 square feet over four stories.

Space Bathroom - while technically on the planet, the washroom on the International Space Station has got to be the most unique washroom in the galaxy. There is no gravity and this ultra-hygienic washroom uses harnesses and pumps to complete its mission.

Columbia Tower - located in Seattle, WA, USA, the washrooms at Columbia Tower are among the tallest in the world. With a view of the Seattle skyline from the 76th floor, this is a washroom experience you won’t forget!

The Floating Bathroom - located in Lake Powell, Utah, USA, the Floating Bathroom is situated right in the middle of a lake. Built to be environmentally friendly, this washroom requires you to swim or paddle up to it.

See-Through Toilet - in Basel, Switzerland, you will find a unique washroom like no other. It is completely see-through! At least from the inside looking out. Using a two-way mirror, you can see what’s going on outside the washroom, but they can’t see in.

Dolce and Gabbana’s Gold Room - when you really have to go but you want luxury and elegance, the Dolce and Gabbana Gold Room is the washroom for you. You’ll have to fly to Milan to use it however!

Bar 89 - using liquid crystal displays as doors, the washroom in New York’s Bar 89 is innovative, modern and elegant.

Aquarium Bathroom – Akashi, Japan’s Aquarium Bathroom surrounded by wall-sized aquariums. With a cost of over £270,000 to build, these ladies only washrooms are quite popular among tourists.

Disappearing Bathroom - more like origami than a washroom, New York’s Disappearing Bathroom folds up when not in use.

Contact Dame Hygiene

To learn about how we can save your business time and money and ensure that your washrooms are always stocked and ready for use, contact Dame Hygiene today!

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